MEDIA RELEASE – Clean Up Australia 2024
Torres Shire Council, in conjunction with Clean Up Australia Event, hosted the 2024 Clean Up Australia Day attracting wonderful community spirit and contributions on all three islands. Participants met to register and collect gloves, rubbish bags and water bottles at Muralag Beach, Prince of Wales island (POW), Foreshore Waiting Shed, Horn Island, Mr Turtle, Rosehill ZarZar and Tamwoy Basketball Courts, Thursday Island.
Twenty-three (23) members of the POW community gathered on Saturday 2nd March 2024 and participated in the rain between 9.30am and 11am. On Thursday Island and Horn Island, the Clean-Up was held on Sunday 03/03/24 between 8:00am to 10:00am. A free sausage sizzle and fresh fruit and water was provided to everyone who took part in the event on all three islands. Mayor Loban said, ‘Both the fresh fruit and water were sponsored by CEQ and Torres Shire Council extends a big Eso for their support and appreciates their efforts to ensure healthy food options on the day’.
“A special shout out to the thirty-six (36) participants from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School on Thursday Island and the sixteen (16) members of the Torres Strait Outrigging Club who rolled up their sleeves and jointed in with the community on the day’, Mayor Loban said. ‘What a wonderful effort’, Mayor Loban continued, ‘There were 23 community members from Prince of Wales Island, 91 community members from Thursday Island and 17 community members from Horn Island. That’s a total of 131 community members, young and old, boys and girls, women and men who were part of a total 1 million Australians who volunteered over the weekend’. Clean Up Australia aims to mobilise communities to help improve and conserve our environment, eliminate litter and end waste. The event started 3 decades ago during which time more than 21 million Australians have participated in this annual event.
‘Torres Shire Council is proud of its communities whose efforts not only make our shire the most beautiful place on earth to live, work and play but protects our marine environment that is such an important source of income for our communities’. Mayor Loban continued, ‘So it makes good economic and environmental sense to become involved and that is why Council supports the event each year. 2024 was a great result.’, Mayor Loban concluded.
End Release
TSC Media Centre
Contact: CEO Dalassa Yorkston
Mobile: 0429 691 333 Email: